Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blossoming with Spring

People will say the 4th year after adoption is somehow "magic" -- that this is the turning point at which people rejoice and realize the true blessings of the now well-adjusted child.  Mayana is no exception.  Her confidence level is high, and she is willing to try hard to succeed in academic matters (quite a major shift from before!).  Her reading is starting to take off (and hopefully her desire to read will take off soon, too).   We are realizing what a hard worker Mayana is, now that she feels more confident.  Willing to take on many tasks, particularly anything that pays money, she has earned over $200.

Mayana is also growing to appreciate with new understanding the gift of family; she expresses her feelings well.  We are having a few health related difficulties in our extended family, and Mayana said yesterday, "Oh, I would love to take care of Grandma.  I LOVE Grandma so much!"   And this is the Grandma that she doesn't see as frequently.  Her eyes just sparkled with adoration and compassion.

I sure look forward to the rest of year #4... as we watch our beautiful flower continue to blossom!

Recently, Mayana, Lia and Grace all had the chance to learn wildlife drawing in a class taught by none other than John Ruthven.   What a treat!   I hope to post some of their work from that day.   Mr. Ruthven was duly impressed.  Which is saying a lot!

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