Thursday, January 21, 2010

One Year of English

Mayana's progress with her English is amazing ... but what is also amazing is the sheer number of words and idioms we use every single day. One sure doesn't appreciate how many words we use regularly, and interchangeably, until she has someone around who is just learning.

Yesterday I told Mayana, "We will just wait until later to do your reading so your brain can be engaged."

"Engaged?" she asked with a laugh. I am just a young girl. I don't need to get married!" More giggling like mommy has truly lost it this time.

"No, it is a different kind of engaged."

But she was laughing too much about getting married (which apparently is very funny anyway) to listen to the new meaning.

Peace to all,

1 comment:

Deb - said...

Cute post! I love the way Taylor flips around words as she learns them. Tonite she told me that she couldn't go to sleep because her brain was noisy (she couldn't quit thinking about things)