Thursday, December 18, 2008

Challenges, yes, but counting our blessings....

Today's challenges are a little different. Mayana is a little more withdrawn and has shown a strong preference for our guide, Helen, over us, as we've been out. I really don't blame her. I think the language frustration is getting to her. But, when we compare her behavior to what we've heard from other adoptive families, we know that we are certainly quite blessed in this area. Mayana is really doing a great job of adjusting, and a great job of putting up with a lot of things she'd rather not do ... like walking and walking and sitting and waiting, etc. I know that most kids her age would be whining a whole lot at this point, and she's not whining at all. That in and of itself says a lot!

It is mid-afternoon here, and we have the rest of the day free. That's good, since we need it. The days here do get long, though. Each day I swear someone pushes a button that slows time down another notch. At home, days fly by. So, I should just enjoy. However, I feel like I have to be so "on" all the time. Right now I should be down on the floor playing dolls with Mayana and Grace rather than typing across the room from them. It's just hard to keep on doing it, hour by hour, doing the "attachment and bonding thing."

I listen to Mayana speak Cantonese and I think, "How can I take this child from her beautiful language?" I know she won't be able to keep it. There aren't enough opportunities to use it back home. Our guide, Helen, says that Mayana knows Mandarin fairly well - at least that she can understand the most commonly used Mandarin words in conversation. I hope that we will be able to help her keep some of that, now that Grace and Lia are learning from our friend Linnea. (Hi, Linnea!)

Mayana knows her name now and responds almost all the time to it.

Grace has been golden. I don't know what we would do without her here. She and Mayana are great buddies! The little spat last night was just a one time thing (so far, anyway).

Helen is golden, too. She has made this experience so much more wonderful!

What does Mayana like? The Chinese children's music from Vineyard music that we brought; her own (cheap) digitial camera; baths; beads; rice and noodles (not spicy); playing with Grace; pretty things (like hair ties); books (though we don't have any Chinese ones yet); tomatoes (but don't tell Lia); ice cream; playing at the park; puppies; chicken nuggets and fries (McD's today); and laughing.

I will try to post some more pics!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a nice post. I felt sad too about taking Mei Feng away from everything..including her language. Just wait until she meets the rest of her sisters!